Minor Personal Enhancements
Celestial Navigator
Honest Eyes
Infallible Judgment
Infinite Inventory Method
Saint's Halo
Witch Eyes
Handy Tricks
Between the Lines
Boss of Hobs
Captain's Call
Cosmic Cavalry
Eyes of Isis
Final Estimation
Flight of Fancy
Heavenly Shipwright
Icy Touch of Iron
Ironsides Blessing
Kill With a Glance
Palimpsest, Hint-Giving Fairy
Perceive Hopes
Signet of Life
Siren Song
Spirit Traveler
Truenamer's Art
Worshipful Hob Creation Technique
Whisper To Sweet Nothing
Signature Talents
Armor-piercing Slap
Binding Rite
Celestial Glory
Cosmic PR
Equivalent Exchange
Invocation of Nobility
Mark of Subjugation
Medical Supergenius
Merchant of Impossibilities
Seven League Step
Supreme Generosity
Unlimited Application Tactic
Ultimate Library
Unbidden Void
Sudden Reversal
Ell Imperial Secretary
Number Lock
Redshirt-Mook Union Health Plan
Earth-Shaking Magics
Dark Hour
Deadly Gaze
Filthy Lucre
God's Arrow
Seven-Pinned River
Supernal Archery
Typhoon of Peace
Borderline Transhumanism
Father of Monsters
Transcendent Foresight