<borogove> It is Mother's Day. Possibly that is keeping people?
<RandBrittain> Tomorrow!
<borogove> Not for myself or Uqbarian.
<RandBrittain> Mysterious Otherplacians!
<RandBrittain> I mean, it's a fake holiday anyway.
<RandBrittain> It should be at the same time everywhere.
<crusher_bob> Heh, aren't you the ones with the specifically not-Communist Labor Day?
<RandBrittain> Is that the day for wearing white shoes?
<crusher_bob> …
<crusher_bob> The US celebrates Labor Day sometime in September.
<crusher_bob> The rest of the world does it on May 1 (Iinternational Workers Day/May Day).
<RandBrittain> Strange!
* Uqbarian has joined #childrenofeve
<Uqbarian> Morning!
* Benhimself has joined #childrenofeve
<Benhimself> Gah, sorry all, alarm clock didn't wake me up.
<borogove> Hey people.
<crusher_bob> Hmm, suddenly everyone is here.
<crusher_bob> It must have been invoking the ghosts of communists past.
<RandBrittain> Mysterious!
* crusher_bob is now known as Ebba
* You are now known as HollyhockGod
* borogove is now known as Fiona
<Ebba> Sigh.
* Benhimself is now known as RyanSherbrig
<Ebba> Ran out of soap and used some strange skin care product that turned out to be mostly lavender scented oil instead.
<Uqbarian> Back in a minute.
<Ebba> And don't have any soap to get it off.
<HollyhockGod> Hm, let's see, where were we?
<HollyhockGod> Floating in the sky on a pirate ship!
<HollyhockGod> In danger from a deadly enemy!
<HollyhockGod> Also, there's a dragon.
<Ebba> I was sorta frozen and falling toward the ground.
<Ebba> There was a crow.
* Uqbarian is now known as Alexa
<Ebba> It was inhaling.
<RyanSherbrig>** (I'm gonna go whip up breakfast while Ebba deals with that.)
<RyanSherbrig>** (Try offering it tea.)
<HollyhockGod> Yes, tiny Ebba is clinging to a tiny dragon-crow, which is trying to breathe on her.
<HollyhockGod> Suddenly, you're swept up in a hail of feathers as a storm of beaks flies at you. Several hundred or more, at least.
<HollyhockGod> It appears the crow is breathing more crows.
<Ebba> Beaks?
<HollyhockGod> Beaks like a bird has?
<Ebba> I shall use Aspect to remember the original crow, in case I have to pick it out of the crowd later.
<Ebba> Are they trying to eat my eyes, or something, or are they just sorta flying around?
<HollyhockGod> Well, trying, but it's not working too well.
<HollyhockGod> As the swarm of crows breaks your grip on the bird, you keep your eyes marked on the one that's real.
<HollyhockGod> Unfortunately you're now free-falling.
<Ebba> Can I keep hopping on the swarm of birds, kung-fu movie style?
<HollyhockGod> The stream of bird-breath continues to increase. I'd say there's easily a thousand birds now milling around and making it diffiicult to see.
<HollyhockGod> Sure, that works.
<HollyhockGod> Is anybody upstairs wondering where Ebba went to?
<Alexa> (Where are we?)
<HollyhockGod> Standing on the deck of the boat along with Melangell and her Siblings.
<Fiona> (Surely the enormous cloud of crows kind of gives it away?)
<Ebba> The rest of you are on the ship with the Four Winds Familia.
<HollyhockGod> They're beneath the boat, but I'm sure you can hear the noise.
<HollyhockGod> The storm of crows forms itself into a thick ball of bird as Ebba jumps from crow to crow.
<HollyhockGod> The real dragon is covered up by the crowd for a few seconds, then the group breaks apart!
<HollyhockGod> The one you were marking doesn't seem to be visible anymore.
<Alexa> "Hey, what's Ebba up to?"
<Ebba> Well, back to the job at hand, then.
<Ebba> I'll grab a crow and see if it's amenable to quick domestication, so I can get back to the ship.
<HollyhockGod> All right, Ebba begins directing a bird upwards with careful pulling of feathers.
<Alexa> (Is the dragon back at full size?)
<RyanSherbrig> "Hmmm. So can the Power of Greed take on ANY form?"
<HollyhockGod> No, it's hiding somewhere.
<HollyhockGod> "I'm uncertain," admits Lukas, who is the Moon.
<Ebba> "He claims to have been offered a tremendous bribe."
<Ebba> "And seemed to know he was working with Excrucians."
<HollyhockGod> "He seems to be able to change his size as he pleases; I know that," Elizabeth Eliza, Lady of Candles, informs the group.
<Ebba> (What were the exact words, 'more than you could ever offer'?)
<HollyhockGod> "And no doubt 'e's lurkin' somewhere about," says Melangell.
<HollyhockGod> (Something like that.)
<Ebba> "So we'll have to make a note to deal with him later"
* HollyhockGod checks the wiki.
<RyanSherbrig> "Well, if he's bound to interfere with us, perhaps we should just continue on thwarting this Flower Rite, and presumably he'll have to make himself known again."
<HollyhockGod> "Wot, ye think 'e's gone away? Blighter could attack again at any moment!"
<HollyhockGod> As if to confirm this statement, you hear the noise of an impact below the ship.
<Ebba> "Then perhaps we should prepare some tea, so there is some to offer him when he comes back…"
<HollyhockGod> Melangell holds a nearby telephone to her head and shouts, "Report! What was that?"
<HollyhockGod> She listens, and then hangs up.
<HollyhockGod> "The bastard's down below, hidin; in the crowd and tryin' to scorch the floor out from under us."
<Alexa> "The crow-d?"
<HollyhockGod> Melangell winces.
<Alexa> (Can we see the crowd from where we are?)
<HollyhockGod> "Lookee, just find the damn dragon and do that thing you do, okay, lady?"
<Alexa> "Don't you tell me what to do!"
<RyanSherbrig> "Allow me."
<HollyhockGod> Well, there are birds circling the ship now (thousands) and they come in and out of view.
* RyanSherbrig jumps off the side of the ship!
<Alexa> (Nonetheless, Alexa bursts into flame and flies down under the ship.)
* RyanSherbrig assumes a form of blinding light!
<RyanSherbrig> (Which I assume will scare off all the normal crows)
<HollyhockGod> (I was going to have her say "You'll do what I say on me own ship!" so you could fly an inch or two off, but you left too fast.)
<Alexa> (Maybe next time. :) )
<HollyhockGod> Okay, so, which of these crows is not like the others?
<Alexa> (Can we see Ebba?)
<RyanSherbrig> (We were too compliant for her to take offense at our defiance)
<HollyhockGod> Since she was talking IC a minute ago, I assume she landed on the deck.
<Alexa> (Ah, right.)
<HollyhockGod> Incidentally it was ("Heh," says the crow, in a gravelly voice. "I've been offered more than you could ever pay.")
* Fiona peers over the side, in search of dragon
<Alexa> (Has Ryan's light scared off any crows?)
<HollyhockGod> I don't think birds are afraid of light. It's too weird for them to process.
<HollyhockGod> Anyway, you're on fire.
<Alexa> "Fuego!"
<RyanSherbrig> (Blinding light, even?)
<Ebba> "Did you have a better fix on where the flower rite is going to be? It is, after all, the whole point of our exiciting adventure." <deadpan>
<Alexa> (Greater Creation of Fire to set all the crows alight.)
<RyanSherbrig> (I suppose that works as well.)
<HollyhockGod> Well, that works. 2 DMPs down the hole!
<RyanSherbrig> (They were probably frozen like deer in headlights or something.)
<Alexa> (Why?)
<HollyhockGod> Because… Major Creations are level 7?
<RyanSherbrig> (Maybe you could do a Lesser Creation? Those can still effect a significant area, and then we could try a bit of Penetration, too.)
<RyanSherbrig> (Did we determine… oh, right, 3.)
<RyanSherbrig> (The UFO cultists must be going nuts.)
<Alexa> (Oh, yep. Would a lesser creation get all the crows?)
<HollyhockGod> No, but you could use several over time and eventually get them all.
<Ebba> (it'll make a bit more than the UFO cultists nuts, the pirate crew were hitting the city a lot too)
<Alexa> (I'll do that then.)
<HollyhockGod> Technically, only the things that land outside the veil are getting noticed (which is admittedly a fair amount of fire and lightning).
<HollyhockGod> And now a bunch of dead birds.
<RyanSherbrig> Cooked dead birds.
<HollyhockGod> Alexa begins shooting at crows with targeted blasts of fire.
<HollyhockGod> One, one, one dead crow.
<HollyhockGod> Two, two, two dead crows. Ahahahaha!
<HollyhockGod> Three, three, thr- Ack!
<RyanSherbrig> (I would the REGAL of FIRE could get more than one crow per blast.)
<Alexa> "Ryan, keep an eye out for whatsisname."
* RyanSherbrig was, indeed, doing so.
<HollyhockGod> The third crow reaches out a talon for you which rapidly begins extending into a giant scaly claw.
<HollyhockGod> You find yourself enclosed in talons as Greed's massive form begins to extend into being around you.
<HollyhockGod> Ryan, there's a dragon in between you and Alexa now.
<RyanSherbrig> (Hmmm, was Alexa one of the immortal ones?)
<HollyhockGod> No, she's the only one who isn't.
<Fiona> (no, in fact, Alexa is the only one who the dragon can meaningfully hurt)
<HollyhockGod> Ha, ha! I finally get to kill one of you!
<HollyhockGod> Greed inhales.
* RyanSherbrig throws his pocketwatch into Greed's mouth.
<RyanSherbrig> "Stop him."
<Alexa> (Sovereign's Gift to throw myself down his gullet and burn him inside out!)
<HollyhockGod> That's Aspect, um, 2, I guess?
<Alexa> (Oh, wait. See what Ryan's watch does first.)
<RyanSherbrig> Sure.
<RyanSherbrig> (It's a shapeshifting immortal exemplar from Beyond Creation.)
<HollyhockGod> Do you have any Aspect?
<RyanSherbrig> I have 2 AMP!
<HollyhockGod> Not anymore! They're mine now!
<RyanSherbrig> (Curses!)
<HollyhockGod> What's the Grix's status as per being commanded?
<Alexa> (Do we know for sure this is an Excrucian, not a Power?)
<RyanSherbrig> (Hmmm. If I spend an SMP (which I will), it's a grudging compliance.)
<HollyhockGod> It seems to be a Power to your Sight.
<HollyhockGod> So it's not already bound to help stop the flower rite?
<RyanSherbrig> (If you want to rule I can't, it's civility, which means it would do whatever it normally wants to do for at least one round.)
<Ebba> (They've already tried commanding it in the name of the Power of Greed, and got nothing.)
<RyanSherbrig> (I can't at the same time as an Aspect miracle, that is.)
<Alexa> (Right.)
<HollyhockGod> It's more sensible to start by binding things to help you with the the quest of the day, and then use the rest of your MP if it gets unruly, btw.
<HollyhockGod> Let me see, if I were a polymorphous immortal in a dragon's throat, what would I do?
<HollyhockGod> I'd bounce off his Auctoritas, that's what!
<RyanSherbrig> (It's about to breath zomg, right? Form of Rubber Block!)
<Alexa> (Can I tell how much Aspect the claw is holding me with?)
<HollyhockGod> Nevertheless, the Grix takes the hint and oozes immediately to protect Alexa, forming a rubbery shell around her.
<HollyhockGod> (No, you can't.)
<HollyhockGod> (But if breathing is his miraculous action, probably zero.)
<HollyhockGod> The dragon chooses to breath icy cold this time.
<RyanSherbrig> (He may have automatic breath gift, though)
<Alexa> "Thanks, Grix."
<HollyhockGod> It's deadly cold, but the Grix ameliorates it somewhat. Are you Durant?
<Alexa> (Yep.)
<HollyhockGod> Then you take no damage. The Grix contracts slightly to give you an affectionate but overly intimate hug of appreciation.
<Ebba> (I thought the rubber block breath was because one of the NPCs sent some sort of rubber elemental down his throat?)
<Alexa> "Hey, steady on there, boyo!"
<Alexa> (Presumably the Grix doesn't catch fire.)
<HollyhockGod> I was actually already planning for him to breathe tar, since restraint works better on Immortals.
<RyanSherbrig> (It's Immortal, so presumably not.)
<Fiona> (Next time I get an action, I'm going to conjure a web of thorny rosebush around the dragon. Try flying like that! 4 + 3 Penetration.)
<Alexa> (My action would be an Aspect 2 attempt to wriggle out of his claws.)
<HollyhockGod> Angered by this, Greed spins around as the breath crystallizes on the Grix's shell, allowing the attack to flow past the two of you and hit the ship's hull.
<HollyhockGod> You hear an unpleasant cracking sound in the wood of the hull.
* RyanSherbrig takes a mundane action to lament that the daughters of night can neither fly nor assume easily portable forms.
<HollyhockGod> Fiona, how can you see what's going on?
<Fiona> (I was leaning over the side. If I can't see it from there, then I can't see it)
<Alexa> (Through Ryan's buttonhole? ;) )
<HollyhockGod> Ryan is a flying ball of light.
<Fiona> (But I rather assumed it was far enough beneath the ship that I could.)
<HollyhockGod> They're essentially directly underneath.
<RyanSherbrig> (What this pirate ship needs are some skiffs.)
<Fiona> (Right. Then I do nothing of consequence.)
<Ebba> I'll head down and break the ice off the side of the ship
<HollyhockGod> Behind Ebba and Fiona, Lukas and Melangell rush down the hatch to deal with the ship.
<RyanSherbrig> (Or maybe a descendable anchor-rope. You think they would have some way of servicing the underside.)
<Ebba> "Aren't we supposed to be going somewhere?"
<HollyhockGod> "Melangell's plan was to descend on the Capitol and kill everyone there, " says Elizabeth Eliza calmly. "We were hoping to have convinced her to be more moderate by the time we arrived, but then this happened."
<HollyhockGod> There are ropes.
<HollyhockGod> Delightfully organic-looking ropes.
<HollyhockGod> "Now I'll never get her calmed down."
<Ebba> "Ah yes, the mere existence of other people causes me mental distress."
<Alexa> "Grix! Attack!"
<Ebba> "And since they have caused my distress, it's perfectly OK for me to kill them…"
<HollyhockGod> The Grix is perfectly comfortable where it is, it indicates, patting you gently on the knee.
<RyanSherbrig> (I did tell it to stop him.)
<Alexa> (Is it completely surrounding me?)
<RyanSherbrig> (Not, y'know, just protect Alexa or whatever)
<HollyhockGod> "Yes, that is pretty much what she said," says Elizabeth Eliza, "but try to change her. No, seriously, please try."
<HollyhockGod> You have eye holes now that you aren't being breathed on.
<Alexa> (And a nose or mouth hole?)
<RyanSherbrig> (Next up on High Summoning Hour: Psychotherapists from Beyond!)
<HollyhockGod> The Grix reaches out a pseudopod and gloms its egglike body onto one of Greed's claws.
<HollyhockGod> Alexa, you're essentially being worn as a bracelet.
<HollyhockGod> You can see out fine, though.
<HollyhockGod> Ryan's action.
<Alexa> (*shudder*)
* RyanSherbrig flies in front of the dragon's eyes to keep it from seeing anything.
<HollyhockGod> Not stretched, I mean. The Grix is the bracelet and the egg with you in it is the thing mounted to it.
<HollyhockGod> Okay, the dragon has blinding light in it's eyes.
<Alexa> (Like a stone on a ring?)
<HollyhockGod> Yes.
<HollyhockGod> Alexa, your move.
<Alexa> (2 DMPs for Lesser Creation of Fire +3 Pen to make heat vision burn the dragon's arm.)
<HollyhockGod> Beams like two tiny suns bore out of Alexa's eyes and into the dragon's scaly flesh.
<HollyhockGod> And bounce off.
<Alexa> (Bugger.)
<HollyhockGod> I don't think it's working, but you can sustain it and try to find a vulnerable spot.
<Alexa> (Does that mean spending more DMPs?)
<HollyhockGod> No, in fact, it means you can't.
<Alexa> (I'll try it.)
<HollyhockGod> "Sustaining a miracle" lets you keep on doing it as long as you don't do anything that means spending MPs.
<HollyhockGod> Okay.
<HollyhockGod> Fiona, your turn.
<HollyhockGod> Or Ebba, who technically hasn't acted yet, now I think about it.
<Ebba> I was de-icing the ship.
<Ebba> But since it looks like we'll have to deal with the dragon first…
<Ebba> I guess I'll have to start with the fighting.
<Ebba> I'll make a spear out of the ice with the intention of hitting the dragon in the epiglottis the next time he opens his mouth to breathe.
<HollyhockGod> Ebba grabs a shard of ice off of the hull and gives it a kick, it shatters into the shape of a spear.
<HollyhockGod> Fiona?
* Fiona causes the ship to start flowering. next action: major preservation. ship breaking = no)
<Ebba> (would be something like aspect 4, pen 3, right since you can't spend 3 miracle points?)
<Ebba> (or can you spend however much you want on penetration?)
<HollyhockGod> You can only spend 1, 2, 4, or 8, is right.
<HollyhockGod> Greed takes a breath, (and Ebba lets the spear fly).
<HollyhockGod> Ryan, you feel very… strange.
<HollyhockGod> Suddenly, the world around you starts to blur and twist like you were hit with drunkenness-breath, but you feel fine.
<HollyhockGod> Everyone else, you see a sphere of darkness form around Greed's maw.
<HollyhockGod> Alexa, your center of gravity abruptly shifts. Suddenly "down" is up towards the dragon's head.
<RyanSherbrig> (Did it just… breath a black hole at me?)
<RyanSherbrig> (Awesome.)
<HollyhockGod> The icy spear flies into the spear of darkness, fate currently unknown.
<HollyhockGod> Technically, it breathed gravity, which abruptly became spherical.
<Alexa> (:o)
<HollyhockGod> Elizabeth Eliza, seeing this, swan dives from the deck towards you.
<HollyhockGod> The cloud of darkness parts as she falls through it.
<HollyhockGod> Would you like to ride her Auctoritas out of the singularity?
<RyanSherbrig> Yeah, that sounds like a good plan.
<HollyhockGod> Elizabeth Eliza falls through the hole, and you follow her path out of the sphere. And then continue falling.
<HollyhockGod> I don't think the Power of Candles can fly.
<HollyhockGod> Alexa, your action.
<Alexa> (I take it I haven't found a weak spot?)
<RyanSherbrig> (If she's got high spirit, the Rite of Holy Flame may protect her from the ground.)
<RyanSherbrig> (I certainly can't carry her, what with my form of 'flight'.)
<Alexa> "Grix! His belly!"
<Fiona> (I'm pretty sure Holy Fire only protects from attacks)
<HollyhockGod> It works on all damage.
<Fiona> (ok.)
<Alexa> (Play the heat vision across his chest. He's not Smaug, is he?)
<HollyhockGod> The Grix begins wall-crawling over the dragon's body with its pseudopods, looking for a chink in the armor.
<HollyhockGod> Fiona, you've brought the ship to bloom. What now?
<Ebba> (hmm, how do you model armor in nobilis? an automatic miracle of aspect?)
<RyanSherbrig> (Dramatic convenience?)
<Fiona> major preservation vs. dragons (well, damage or whatever. but mostly dragons)
<HollyhockGod> All right, that's one DMP.
<HollyhockGod> Armor is a contested miracle the same as everything else.
<Fiona> (armour would work like preservation)
<RyanSherbrig> (As a mundane action, see if you can't convince Thorpe to actually reveal more about the flower rite so those of us who aren't distracting the dragon can do something about it)
<HollyhockGod> She's down below somewhere, trying to fix all the holes!
<HollyhockGod> Blossoms break out across the hull, filling in the holes and forming a shield against further attack. Ebba?
<Ebba> since no one seems to have done something about the falling power of candles
<Ebba> I'll statch some clothing for the pirate crew (so we can have scantily clad burly pirates) and dive off after here)
<Fiona> (I have to go now. sorry about leaving early.)
<Ebba> and I'll use the clothing to make parachutes
* Fiona has quit (Disintegrated: Fiona)
<HollyhockGod> Ebba dives from the deck, using somebody's shirt as a sail!
<HollyhockGod> He flexes happily, as a vaguely real construct of Melangell's mind should.
<Ebba> (of course, sail cloth or something might work better. But the pirates aren't wearing the sailcloth :P)
<HollyhockGod> You fall towards Elizabeth Eliza, who appears to be writing about the current incident in her diary.
<Alexa> ("Dear Diary: Met Phoenix's Familia today. They aren't very good at fighting dragons, but they seem nice.")
<RyanSherbrig> (Like they were doing better.)
<HollyhockGod> Let me see… I guess it's Greed's turn.
<HollyhockGod> Hmm, who's the correct… oh, I know
<Alexa> …
<RyanSherbrig> (It breaths giant bees at the flowering ship!)
<RyanSherbrig> (They proceed to pollinate, and do no damage whatsoever.)
<HollyhockGod> Greed lets out a massive burst of wind, sending Ebba far off the course leading to Elizabeth Eliza.
<HollyhockGod> You find yourself heading for land in absolutely the wrong direction to do anything useful.
<HollyhockGod> Alexa?
<Alexa> (If only someone with power over wind happened to be watching!)
<Alexa> (No luck on finding a weak spot?)
<HollyhockGod> (Regretably, she isn't.)
<HollyhockGod> You aren't seeing any holes in his armor on the belly.
<RyanSherbrig> (Well, you're sustaining that miracle, you could do a lesser creation of fire to turn Ebba's sail into a hot air balloon)
<RyanSherbrig> (Maybe not a perfect one, but something an Exemplar could work with)
<HollyhockGod> Her eyes are pointing at the dragon's belly.
<Alexa> (I don't think that's quite within my domain.)
<RyanSherbrig> (That's what she gets for choosing fire vision instead of encompassing flame, I guess.)
<Alexa> "Grix! Head!"
<HollyhockGod> Technically, it's what she gets for choosing a Lesser Creation instead of a Major, but… okay.
<Alexa> (Try to burn his eyes out.)
<Ebba> How's this, aspect 7: i'll shift to ythic vision, and quickly exaplin to the spirit of this wind that unless it wants to be surprised by be in a dark alley some day in the future, it'll take me where I want to go
<RyanSherbrig> (I admit, that made me laugh out loud.)
<HollyhockGod> The Grix clambers up the dragon's back and orients your eyes over the dragon's.
<HollyhockGod> Ebba: I'm pretty sure it would be easier if you just took a page from Greed's book.
<HollyhockGod> This time, your eye lasers seem to get through.
<Ebba> (use superman breath?)
<Alexa> (Change sides?)
<HollyhockGod> Greed begins to twist and bellow as you burn his eyes.
<HollyhockGod> I was going with the breath, but Alexa's idea is better!
<HollyhockGod> Ryan?
<HollyhockGod> Incidentally, the twisting is causing Greed to start to fall.
<RyanSherbrig> (Hmmm. Not really much I can miraculously do.)
<RyanSherbrig> (I know, I'll strike up a conversation!)
<RyanSherbrig> "We'll pay you double whatever they're offering you!"
<HollyhockGod> The dragon might have heard, but he isn't listening, because, you know. Eyes.
<HollyhockGod> Ebba inflates her sail with her own life-giving breath!
<HollyhockGod> Then something shoots a hole in it.
<HollyhockGod> Your Exemplar senses see something coming up from the ground and leaving a hole the size of a silver dollar in your sail near one of the corners you
<HollyhockGod> are holding on to.
<HollyhockGod> The cloth begins to fray.
<Ebba> "Ah, finally plan B yields some results"
<Ebba> (about time for me to go)
<Alexa> ("Exactly as planned!")
<HollyhockGod> It's good that you're enjoying yourselves.
<HollyhockGod> Well, we can end it here, then.
<Alexa> Because we're about to die?
<HollyhockGod> I think this combat went much better than the last session.
<HollyhockGod> Well, because we're almost down to half-strength with Ebba and Fiona gone.
<HollyhockGod> Anyway, you were winning until people started to shoot at you!
<Alexa> That too.
<HollyhockGod> I bet Pandora never burned out a dragon's eyes with her laser vision.
<HollyhockGod> Mind you, you aren't supposed to look a dragon in the eye.
<Alexa> If she comes back she could get the chance!
<Alexa> Ooh. Good point.
<Alexa> But you aren't supposed to look an angry Power in the eye either.
<Alexa> I'm sure that's one of the rules.
<HollyhockGod> Yes, it's true in both cases!
<HollyhockGod> Presumably he'll go blind and you'll get amnesia at the same time.
<Alexa> That would be awkward.
* Ebba has quit (Disintegrated: Leaving)
<RyanSherbrig> "We're your friends, Alexa!" Deceiver: "No they aren't!"
<HollyhockGod> They aren't your friends! They're plants!
<HollyhockGod> Plants are for burning!
<Alexa> "Burn them! Burn them all!"
<RyanSherbrig> Sigh.
<RyanSherbrig> That's it, we're just going with Thorpe's original plan.
<RyanSherbrig> Grix! Form of Daikaiju!
<Alexa> It's only Washington, after all.
<Alexa> So who's in Thorpe's Familia?
<RyanSherbrig> Candles, and Moon. Maybe others?
<HollyhockGod> Candles, Moon, and the Four Winds are what you've seen.
<Alexa> Anyone else in the book?
<HollyhockGod> You'll have to take a mundane action to find out!
<Alexa> And I got confused for a bit, thinking that Greed was with them (but a turncoat).
<HollyhockGod> You were right about the turncoat part!
<Alexa> Are the details of NPCs up on the wiki anywhere?
<RyanSherbrig> There's his secret plot wiki.
<HollyhockGod> Anyway, it turns out that strictly enforcing the turn order makes things run more smoothly (who knew?).
<Alexa> I mean, not secret details, but info we'd know.
<HollyhockGod> Yes, but it's secret.
<HollyhockGod> You've never met any of them but Thorpe before.
<Alexa> Though if we could get access to the secret plot wiki, that'd be handy too.
<HollyhockGod> Only if you send me cake.
<Alexa> As it happens, I have some cake in the fridge!
<RyanSherbrig> Yeah, I'd need your address for that.
<RyanSherbrig> I mean, it's even in the rules that we're supposed to supply you with snacks.
<RyanSherbrig> Although I think that's waived for online games.