An archive of quotations by Dr. Moran and others on Nobilis-related subjects (please don't forget to source)
Quotes from Dr. Moran
Second Edition
from "Nobilis- work of genius or pretentiousness" on RPGnet
from "Understanding Nobilis..." on RPGnet
from "The Nobilis Hype Demon" on RPGnet
From "Nobilis-Justifying the Affiliations" on RPGnet
from "Help with Nobilis?" on RPGnet
Third Edition
Persona versus Spirit from Is EOS Press dead?" on
Persona versus Domain from the Elegant Anticipation Thread on
On Conflicting Miracles from the Elegant Anticipation Threads
What Is Destiny For? from the Elegant Anticipation Threads
On the Hubris Rule from the Elegant Anticipation Threads
Imperators vs Powers from the Elegant Anticipation Threads
Secondary Domain Properties from the Elegant Anticipation Threads
Nobilis and Science from the Elegant Anticipation Threads
Immortality Vs Nukes from
On Aspect 3 and Beating Light in a Race from the Elegant Anticipation Threads
Reconciling Different Layers of Reality from the Elegant Anticipation Threads
Quotes by Bruce Baugh
Bruce Baugh, from "The Nobilis Hype Demon on